We aimed for three small hikes this weekend, but only ended up doing two hikes. The first one we did was Don Edwards S.F. Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Fremont, CA. For Fremont locals its the park across from Coyote Hills on the other side of Dumbarton Bridge. The hike was less than two miles, 1.44 miles on Tidelands Trail to be exact.
The days are so short now that any hike in the afternoon, turns into an evening hike. We bring our jackets with us on every hike now.
A bridge that led over to the Picnic Shelter over the marsh.
The Picnic Shelter had little tables set up to have a picnic which was nice.
The kids ran around a lot. Beautiful sunset, nice trail for our jogging stroller, lots of birds and bridges for the kids to enjoy.
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