
Thankful for TWO Years! New Logo and National Parks Pass

TWO years have gone by since I started Chasqui Mom! I'm so thankful and happy for all the opportunities I have had, the great people I have met through social media and subsequently "in real life" because of this blog.

I'm so excited for new things to come but first I'd like to share a little something I've been working on with my graphic designer: Tipton Designs...

I finally have a beautiful logo for my blog!  It completely encompasses my motto, "Loving nature through hiking, backpacking and anything outdoors as a family."  A bit of Peru, family and the outdoors!

Highlights of Chasqui Mom's Year Two

Our favorite adventure, year two of "Chasqui Mom" is one that I haven't even written about yet.  During our week long vacation in Sequoia National Park, we had a one-night family backpacking trip to Pear Lake and it was absolutely breathtaking.

It was very hard, the air was thin, the mountain was steep, and our packs were heavy, but our hearts were happy to be high up in the mountains with our children.  Pear Lake holds lots of great memories that I will soon write about.  That has been one of my favorite hiking adventures of this year.

If you hadn't noticed, we LOVE National Parks! To celebrate my two years of "Chasqui Mom", I will be giving away one (1) US National Parks Annual Pass (value $80) because I want you and your family to enjoy National Parks as much as we do!
  • This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only and at least 18 years old.
  • Contest starts November 7, 2014 12:00 a.m. PST until November 20, 2014 11:59 p.m. PST.
  • Winner will be announced a couple days after the giveaway has finished.
  • One (1) US National Parks Annual pass will be awarded after the entry has been validated  Details on the pass can be found HERE.
  • Please use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter the giveaway.  Winner will be selected at random by Rafflecopter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A few more changes will be occurring over the next few months in regards to the design of the website thanks to Marla of Tipton Designs, who is great graphic designer and a wonderful mother too! Thanks to her, I have my awesome new "Chasqui Mom" logo that I love!  So keep your eye out on some upgrades coming to!

Join in on the conversation by leaving a comment here! You can also join in on the conversations on FacebookInstagram and Twitter that is updated daily with outdoor activities and other wonderful posts and links from #OutdoorFamilies!

Twitter has Changed and @ChasquiMom Has Too!

Twitter has recently changed its profile desktop layout and as I was updating my profile, I noticed that my Twitter handle was the only one in all of my social media accounts that was not "ChasquiMom".  Instagram, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, StumbleUpon all were the same except for Twitter which was @melissabravery.

To be consistent, I have now changed my Twitter handle to:

If you are a Twitter follower of mine, you should still be able to find me under my actual name "Melissa Avery" and now under my blogging name Chasqui Mom.  I'm going through my website and updating my links to my Twitter handle, but please let me know if you find any broken links.

Thank you to all my followers!

Join in on the conversation by leaving a comment here! You can also join in on the conversations on Chasqui Mom's FacebookInstagram and Twitter that is updated daily with outdoor activities and other wonderful posts and links from #OutdoorFamilies!