Toddler's First Dentist Visit

Nineteen months old is pretty young to visit the dentist, but Sophia had a little tumble on Friday morning and broke a chunk off of her upper front right tooth.  It wasn't even a rough fall, she fell right at the right angle, mouth open on our kitchen floor.  I actually found the piece of her tooth on the floor!

There was minimal bleeding but I still wanted to take her to the dentist to make sure everything was fine.  Sophia thought the patient chair was a slide so she slid down a few times until Dr. Spillner showed up.  Sophia was happy until Dr. Spillner put on his face mask then screamed the rest of the examination.

Results are her tooth is fine but her tooth could still die from the impact within a year.  She may also have a higher chance a getting a cavity in her tooth since the whole tooth isn't covered by enamel.  Ah more worries for mommy.  I grew up with dental issues so I understand the how it is to visit a dentist at a very young age.

As any parent knows, children always bring out your own flaws.  One thing I've always struggled with is vanity. I want to look nice, put together, wear nice clothes and pretty much look good.  One thing motherhood did for me is strip that away from me! No more 2-3 hours spent everyday doing my makeup and hair! But I still want my children to look good because its a reflection on me.

My daughter was also born with a little birthmark right in between her eyebrows and for a while it really bothered me until I fully understood that it the way God created my little girl and made her perfect in His image.  I get to speak to lots of Indian women because they are intrigued by Sophia's birthmark.  My aunt actually has the same birthmark but it blends into her tan skin but was so honored that her great-niece in America (my aunt lives in Peru) has her same birthmark.

I know my daughter is beautiful but for a few hours after she broke her tooth it really bothered me in the same way as her birthmark did.  Thinking...."kids will make fun of will reflect bad on me..." but that is how vanity tries to sneak back into my life.  I love my baby girl and is even more beautiful with her broken tooth, because it brought to my attention that I was projecting vanity on my children which is something I do not want.

I'm over it, my daughter even at 19 months is a tough little girl hence that is why we nicknamed her "Mountain Baby".  My daughter is the girly girl loves tutus, princesses, anything pink but asks to go hiking when daddy gets home, loves being outdoors, doesn't even get phased when she got hit in the head with a fire log by her big brother (yes that really happened). So cheers to a broken tooth!