Out on the Town...Iquitos Style

Monday, October 8, 2007: There was an area of stick stilted houses along the river walk which weren't really houses, but cheap tourist shops.  We looked around but didn't find anything.  My cousin Janette wasn't wearing proper walking shoes, so we took a break to find band aides for her blistering feed and to drink some delicious maracuya fruit juice.  Funny thing about Iquitos stores is that no one has change for anything.

A little clip of us riding around town in Iquitos major mode of transportation.  

After drinking refreshing maracuya juice, we bought a relatively nice and reasonably sturdy dinning table and chairs for my grandparents. Janette and I rode in one motocarro and Jesse went alone in another motocarro with the driver, table and six chairs. I do not know how they managed to do that but they did. I wanted to take a picture but it would call even more attention to us, especially with my giant Gringo husband. I was scared that Jesse had been kidnapped, because Jesse didn't show up for about 20 minutes after Janette and I arrived to my grandparents house. Thankfully he wasn't kidnapped, it just took them a while to haul all the furniture, plus a 200 pound gringo on the dirt roads of Iquitos.

We had lunch on the new table and passed the day spending time with my grandma and grandpa. My grandpa could actually hear today and I didn't have to yell in his ear to have a conversation with him. My grandpa was really scared of Jesse, he would always ask, "Who is that big man?" and measured his legs....don't ask why. I think he had Alzheimer's Disease but over there they call it getting old.

Later in the evening, we got all dressed up to go to the nicest restaurant in town the Gran Moloke, but it was closed. Instead we at the second story of the the Casa de Fierro (Eiffel's Iquitos Creation) overlooking the Plaza de Armas. By the way ALL towns in Peru have a Plaza de Armas. Dinner was delicious though it took a really long time for the food to come out, but we enjoyed a nice rain and thunder storm.
The Plaza de Armas in Iquitos, Loreto, Peru.

Joking around in the tourist shops.
A frog in my grandparents backyard.  My cousin thought is was so funny that I found this amusing.

After dinner went to the first floor and did some tourist shopping, came home and took a rainwater shower and relaxed in the backyard before bed time. Just a nice day in the Amazon.